Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What Causes Someone To Shake A Baby


A new negative record was beaten in San Liborio. After less
a month, in fact, some roads have different signs of slowing down.
More precisely, the number 8 / b Via Nuova of S. Liborio arriving at the new roundabout, new road has several cracks, which soon become buche.Stessa fate befell Via Orti di Santa Maria.
It 'obvious that something went wrong!
Who is responsible for controls on companies that work in the city in recent months?
Again, the commissioner responsible for IDV, has proved "incompetent."

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blue And Blue Metal Cores


Egr. Dott.Santoro, who writes

are ordinary citizens of Civitavecchia, residents of a neighborhood in the same city , Called San Liborio, which met under the auspices of a blog, called The Lighthouse of San Liborio, driven by the need to do something to improve the quality of life, to 'start in the same neighborhood, and then extend that experience throughout the city.

In about three years, we managed to bury an electric line, to redo the road surfaces and to install an efficient public lighting. All this without ever be aligned with any political force.

Obviously we can not hide that our principles are based on environmental ideas and feel sympathy for all those who bring innovative ideas and environmentally friendly. The spring

us to write this letter today is that we wanted to emphasize the 'ambiguous situation of the local section of the' Italy of Values, headed by 'Mr Alvaro bales, which is capable of being allied with the center right here in Civitavecchia, while the center-left to Province of Rome. In addition to this ambiguity policy, which in our view only be explained with the logic of power and the chair at all costs, the thing that preoccuopa most is that environmental policy will be pursued by their 'local IDV, namely the privatization of 'water in favor of ATO2 (ACEA), and disposal of municipal waste using coal plant Valdaniga North Tower, in clear contradiction with the principles ecologists of 'Italy of Values \u200b\u200bthemselves.

We spokesmen repeatedly at the same Mr Di Pietro, but we never received a reply. Please, Dr. Santoro, to offer you all 'ex-judge to explain the reason for this unfortunate situation so that confusion will result, and then loss of consensus in favor of the center-right.

cordial greetings.