Saturday, January 6, 2007

Rhino 5 Real Time Rendering

Mark Lenders

The web is under maintenance, and it will be ready in a few time, please come back soon, thank you.
To find an Asian girl for you, click here
Per trovare una ragazza asiatica per te, clicca qui
If you can't see the videos, download for free Adobe Flash Player 9 here (if the videos stop, erase your internet temporary files)

"Football is a sport for sissies"
Mark Lenders (Kojiro Hyuga)
Looking at the banner above, maybe yes but ... :)
click to enlarge These pretty pictures
click to enlarge these beautiful pictures
Aline Nakashima Brazilian half Japanese half ... ...

very BIG PHOTO, click for bigger picture
Sports Illustrated
To find an Asian girl for you,
click here to find an Asian girl for you, click here

Reon Kadena, sexy girl from Japan

Friday, January 5, 2007

Nokia E71 Front Camera Software

Japanese warriors: Scorpio Rising

That really was a Hattori Hanzo sword...

introduction of the video with Japanese warriors,

Liam Gallagher (Oasis) & Death in Vegas, "Scorpio rising"

cartoon from "Kill Bill" (Oren Ishii origin)

君が代 "Kimi Ga Yo", The Emperor's Reign, national anthem of Japan, with karaoke :)

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Lipomas Under Skin Treatment In Andhrapradesh


video "Bones" by the Killers

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Single Seater Dirt Buggy

For the design of this model, the Guatemalan artist Carlos Cartagena (in contact with him, he lives in California) has not inspired, as it would seem, in Bar Refaeli, Israeli Di Caprio's girlfriend (they are in contact with her, eh, eh, a horned goat:) - see my blog ), but the beautiful ex-Dutch model Karen Mulder (one of my favorites of all time:), ruined by the French model ... (Stup ro events and unclear).

Mark Lenders (Kojiro Hyuga)

In the series of DVDs Holly Benji I'm watching now is the time of entry into the scene of Mark Lenders, here it is:

"... you who must you learn the game Football is a game for ladies. If there is good, I suggest you opt for any other sport! Shut up, rabbits like you would do much better not to play football! And how dare you give a reason those girls? "I've tired, I've had enough of being constantly contradicted! I'm leaving, sbrigatevela alone. We'll see who will be right at the end!"
seems to feel the Oasis ... (See my web - Noel Australian football), it seems out of the theater's "Look Back in Anger" (see more on that site, below). Speech similar to that of Noel, like: "if you like our music, well, we think you deserve it. If you do not like, do not confirm that what we think of you: you are f *** heads or ". Among other things, Oasis are popular in Japan, almost as in England (Italy is the third country). The latest version of the video of "Acquiesce" was shot right in Japan, with Oasis "replaced" on stage by young Japanese. Here it is below:

Oasis - "Acquiesce" Japan

Japanese Sony-Oasis TV advertisement # 1

advertising Sony's Japanese Oasis n.1-

Japanese Sony-Oasis TV advertisement n.2

advertising Sony's Japanese- Oasis n.2

Mark Lenders (in carton is born on 17/08/1979) is nicknamed the Tiger because his "special move" is the shot of the tiger. After a difficult childhood (but the carton is still a child), orphan (has only the mother), continues his youth in trouble, since it has to feed her siblings. What a touching story. Then forgive him his irritability.

Physical characteristics: large-scale, violent game (opponents who dare to face leaving blood on the legs), tanned skin (Japan?), Shirt sleeves rolled up (a little 'as Nicola Berti, Aldo Serena during the Scudetto Inter record of 88-89, leaving their socks down - now I do not think you can do, by regulation, it takes the shin).

Mark Lenders will complete his playing career at Juventus.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Tawnee Stone What Happend

scientific calculations to Holly and Benji

I would like to apply some scientific computing in this cartoon. After much thought, due to unemployment where I am because Mortadella, here's the answer to the question everyone sooner or later you are done:

how long the field of cartoon & Holly Ben ji?

With a little 'trigonometry, taking into account the radius of the Earth (6327 km), the height of an observer (say 1.70 m, even if they are Japanese and therefore dwarf) and the line that goes from' observer to the horizon, we find that the distance at which a player sees the horizon is 4.53 km. Given that the crossbar is displayed when a player is more or less on three-quarters of the field, the field is approximately 17.8 km long.

Ok. From here we are. Now the question is: that veil give me speed running Holly Hutton, Lenders Mark, Julian Ross and associates? Assume that the field is in better shape by the way 4 / 5 times per game: 90 min (+ 5 recovery) = 5700 sec (game time) 17 800 m (field size) x 4.5 times per game = 80 100 m ( distance traveled) 80100 / 5700 = 14.052 m / s (speed). They run that is 100 meters in 7 seconds and 11. about 3 seconds less than the world record of 100 meters (and the scope of Holly e Benji, you know, is not level ...). This is sufficient to explain why the poor Ross, a heart condition, have difficulty in concluding matches.
Do you know of his ground when Holly pulls a mine that runs through the whole field (17.8 km), the net hole and breaks through the wall? In fact, the question is another, but in Japan they are the anti-doping controls?
And again, that scheme used to occupy the whole field? The 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1? (The 5-5-5 type of Lino Banfi training yourself in the ball). What is the technique of counter-attack? How does the senior defense to call the game off, shoot a rocket into the air? The referee turns to the field in motion? And if somebody invests? And if he ends the mix? And if you pull the red card as he goes to 80 per hour with all the police around here? To stop the game what uses the trumpet? To stop a player shoots him away? Legs or other "as long as the firm? But above all, why the referee for all matches, is always the same??! The designer wanted to save or there has been a Calciopoli Japanese and "it has been only one"? (In Italy only for an arbitrator is gone ...). If a fan invading the pitch when it does start again? If a player remains on the ground is not likely to crack before someone sees it? How do you make obstruction? At the end of the game runs buses to the field or if the players have to get away alone? The linesmen are using a sail for reporting? And when it comes to putting it between my legs to signal penalties? And when the other side of the field as they find out? If a through ball and chain around the field, discard all, discard the port and arrived at the door empty, after (estimate) a couple of hours into the race, throws out what it does, you shoot? He throws himself under the motion of the arbitrator? And when he discovers that the game had already been over for half an hour? And there was also the interval? If a game is more than one network goes down in history? If a player runs away called by the referee not to be recognized for organizing a team of research? If you lose a ball in front of goal continued after the action (three-quarters of an hour) the team what do they do? Vivisection? When you have to send a change flag to alert the arrows? How many rings are composed of the stands? The Ultra menano equally or are too far away? But .. if there were THE MILANESE fog? Now you explain why to play 90 minutes of playing 200 points served by one o'clock half an hour ....
Here are the 48 outputs with 3 episodes in each DVD ... (I'm watching the marathon all ... Holly and Benji ... "Fortunately," you can put in the original language ... watch them with my neighbors, Japanese ...)



Monday, January 1, 2007

Butane Fuel Advantages Disadvantages

My Japanese neighbors

New details in the sit-com of the landing, "Ascension rising sun" ...

will be something irrelevant, but suggests that a few months ago, when there Mortadella, there was another change, in addition to everything else. It seems that all the changes that have occurred during this period (which I hope ends soon) have been designed to make me turn the bales to the fan. Whether at home in my home town and in the countryside I have new neighbors, and both these families are abroad. I'm thinking that this thing is just a sign that I have to go too. In Milan, my neighbors are none other than the Japanese kamikaze ...
in Japan has just started the new heir of Princess Kiko, and my neighbors as soon as they saw me, I have been recognized: Malco! Malco! (Seee.. Malcolm X..) PLincipe Guido!
This is because every time I pass by accident end up in Piazza Duomo in the photos of the Japanese ghghghgh, who photographed all the time, and when you pose unfortunately I happen to go ahead and ruin the photo ghghghgh, and now in Japan, I know all because they are inside all the pictures of tourists who were in Italy. These Japanese, continuous movement throughout the day, indoors and out, up and down the elevator (for 2 levels!), They never still. I read the names on the bell (the boy is called TOFUSOLAMOTO and see if the motors do not come on downstairs ghghghgh more), but it caught my attention a scrittina under the names: "Meeting" ... Ta - da!
And as he said that character Zelig of Brescia starring Leonardo Manera (the one that says "purtroppoooo ..."), soon as I saw the writing, as I told him:" EEEEEEEEEEEEH ?????" ghghghgh So there is a general movement worse and worse, relatives and friends and acquaintances, all have dozens of children, all descendants from my great-grandmother who was named founding father HATU NONUSAY ... Or do I have to think bad about this "meeting place" and be suspicious of something on the activities Japanese lady? No, because if your name is Yosuke TOGODY or TOSUKO SIMODAY, I go to them for two massages ... ghghghgh
But the man is a dentist ... you call TEKURO Nakari ...
But I know that in Japan is widespread female homosexuality ... because I heard several girls who call themselves MINKA Sukay ...
The son is in high school, but it does not seem very bright when I see him come back from school, which has the right 'na face NAKAPITU NOKATSU Oh ... but you can know what it means ARRIGO', if I may say that n 'Artra once shot a backhander that je je do Tthe name change, Soshi thunders ... 'Rigatoni at me? Arriga you sister! By the way, his sister is a Japanese pitcher Knife: If called DOKOYO KOYO ... Or maybe they are hungry because they say arigato ... if Famo du arigato ... (This seemed Alberto Sordi:).
So, since in a recent email I was talking about Japanese cartoons of scientific calculations, I would apply here too. Whereas in the palace of my uncle 4 Chinese families all live in a single apartment of 60 square meters (!), 15 square meters per family (!), How many families of dwarves with almond-shaped eyes in the apartment next to us WOULD BE mine, which is at least 150 square meters? 10 families. It 'amazing, who knows what will combine in there in a while' time. I know that some criminals hide, perhaps the most famous repentant Japanese, Nakazato Fatu .... Or they will be preparing the revenge of the atomic bomb, with the survivor of '45, HEROITO AKKAKA '? ... My Japanese take the elevator to make 2 levels, while the Chinese of my uncle used to make a plan. All day, the elevator up and down happily, and they laugh like this: ihihihihihihi ... When I meet them I make him a sort of bow, and repeat it constantly: "buongiollo, buongiollo .." (Yes, it seems Luca Juror ...:). Without considering then that old models of lift and make a noise you hear even if you're using the dryer. The janitors have had to call several times because the elevator technicians obviously has gone bad and a lot of days and again it was useless (not to serve me). But what is the obscure reason that motivates them to use it for so little? Japanese technology may have nostalgia dellla (here, bell horse) that helped them to do everything, even to get a bidet? Or enjoy the sensation type amusement park, get stuck inside? Working out at home all the time and arrived on the landing did not quite out of breath? Or more simply, that have both 'cock n gets? Or want to waste electricity, so the pay more than the upper floors? Or maybe because the bikes are so much more famous Japanese gymnast named KAKAPOKO KIFAPOKOMOTO? The mystery deepens ... Meanwhile .... ascensole! Ascensoooooleee! See you next episode of
bottom-EAST ... This beautiful ...

Mark Lenders (as they are always called by my sister and classmates)

(but in Japan it was called Kojiro Hyuga - with or without the "i" Hiyuga probably depends on the translation of Japanese characters - it seems the Unknown Soldier Japanese MAKI KA TZEE? - who called that looks like a Japanese bought some Italian team, completely unused and as always, nicknamed NOYOKO MAY .... Well, I could watch "Holly and Benji" with them, in original Japanese language with subtitles in Swedish ... how did TZI TO FAN ! :) Or the films of Akira KURIOSAWA
....) But my new nickname, if they continue to break, will KAKAMY Okatsu ...