Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Nature's Goodness Baby Food Hawaiian Delight


With reference to my mail in protest of 20.05.2010 in relation to a complete surrender of the Green Street Floriani, I can tell you that, to my surprise, this morning leaving the house I saw two people engaged with the brush cutter to cut the weeds of the area. Thank you, therefore, the intervention vs (I really can not be a coincidence), and I hope that is not just a "sweetener" by the local authority but in short is removed the padlock from the gate, and why not , installed a children's game!

Gilmore confident ...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Female Horse Genitalia Gallery

Sunday DRY!!

as you see it's seven and a half of a Sunday morning and my tap water is not .... We're back to dry. I held the bill: So far this year are 81 days when there was no water, then if you count the 15 where the water has been declared contaminated, shall be 96.
Lords of San Liborio, water bills are coming. I know for sure ranging from 600 to 1000 €, because they are two years they have to go and our mayor assured us that the inhabitants of San Liborio ddi not have paid.
our president Frascarelli say thanks for making the big voice, but if you continue to sit on local councils people who are there, no one ever listens. Dear Giancarlo, you have to take courage and denounce this situation to the authorities. Somebody has to reply, even money for the accommodation of the water system that, apparently, there are no more.
I will be with you, if you do and I'm sure the people of San Liborio will be all.
I think any other city in Italy both in terms of our own. We and Africa. And to think that
Moscherini the time of their voluntary work in Africa so worried ... Rosetta

Friday, May 21, 2010

Tall7.2 Data To Tally 9

"San Liborio, DISTRICT verge of a nervous breakdown"

Yesterday, the address of the blog neighborhood was inundated of letters of protest from people who seem to us much more than angry. The
mail, complaining about the lack of water and the lack of response from the field offices of Pincio.Le protests also affected other negative aspects of the neighborhood, such as poor care of parks, road collapse, weeds and dirt.
Perhaps many people did not know that yesterday, the staff of the Pincio, could not give answers, because in approving committed 1 million cubic meters of concrete forgetting that San Liborio, already raped by profitable cement, waiting for years the necessary services to a community of about 6000 people destined to double in coming years.
The current water supply district is not able to meet all the service and we dare not imagine what will happen when they are completed and inhabited new homes.
We do not want to hear about lack of money, because we remember exactly what you said about how the mayor allegedly used the funds of the 2nd Convention Enel.
A large part of that money had to be used to rebuild the town water supply, but instead ... ... ... but that's another story !!!!!!
In conclusion, in our view, the crisis of nerves in San Liborio is imminent, and at that point what will happen?


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Olivetti Prt 100 Setup


Almost a year ago, the City had taken the initiative to better gaming system in two small green areas in the district of San Liborio, located in a New Way of San Liborio and 'the other located in the corner of Via Via Floriani Falda. Both had been built the fence, cut the grass, planted with trees, lawn and planted area with mats made of impact resistant safety for playground, but as the area situated in Via Nuova San Liborio had also made to install a movable bridge with a slide, making it fit for use and vent area for the children's area, the area has been completely abandoned Floriani Street and not only was there no games are installed for children, but the gate remained locked and inaccessible to any other activity and, worse still, closed for maintenance workers the same as the Green City ' were left abandoned to itself even when they have been responsible for mowing the adjacent part of area is not fenced. The result of this initiative of the municipality is currently an area completely abandoned, where no one would think that in the past have been planted in a lawn weeds that far exceed those meters high, and where the trees planted are now all dry, choked weeds themselves.
would be appropriate for the municipality to intervene as soon as possible to recover the land from degradation of the time, so as to avoid all the money (the public) already spent should not be completely wasted.

So maybe, looking out the window, I will not have a feel of utter abandonment and, perhaps, before my daughter no longer has the age, you'll enjoy a picnic area near the house.

Let's hope so! An outraged mother

Friday, May 7, 2010

Desktop Projector 5100

receive and publish

Dear Sirs, I am sending you a copy of
mail I sent to the local newspaper The Province, for the conditions of Via Ugo d'Axe. I would be grateful if you would like to publish on the blog.
We thank you, I offer you my greetings duty. Rosetta
the drafting of the Province of Civitavecchia
Dear Sirs,
after noticing the renovation and cleaning carried out on the whole upper part of Via Terme di Traiano, I must inform you that instead of the Via Ugo Axe is not been no intervention. This road, which should somehow be part of the district San Liborio is that it is detached from the rest of the neighborhood as a part of the road itself, which first was called simply Via San Liborio, the houses were built in the Port Company, thus making it become a dead end, with only one entrance / exit on Via Terme di Traiano. Entry / exit is located on a bridge that gives way under the weight of cars passing through. On either side of the bridge there is a sewage ditch in Via Baths of Trajan, on the one side with a ridge lying on the concrete ditch in the same semi vertical position for at least fifteen years, there are other trees in the crecsiuti ditch that impede the normal flow of water and contribute to flooding especially in Via Terme di Traiano when it rains.
entering and then doing a few yards the road narrows dangerously because of weeds and bushes and lamp posts and telephone posts near the center, there are no holes but the real chasms between some asphalt left up to the farmhouse dell'Agraria School or if you prefer, in turn supported from a tanker owned by our water supply completely abandoned and covered with brambles, and then see that over the asphalt THERE 'S NEVER BEEN!, there is a dirt trail that people try to uphold security in the not as bad, always at their own expense, despite the fees charged like everyone Civitavecchia atria that roads have it ....
I had this problem, over a year ago, the President of our constituency, Mr Frascaelli, he assured me that action is imminent.
must have forgotten!
I invite you to take a stroll down Via Ugo d'Axe, perhaps together with the dear Mayor. A word of advice though: walking and comfortable shoes and old, not spoil ...
More seriously call your newspaper to send an operator in place that can photograph the situation and publish it, so that the words do not stay that way and maybe someone down the Pincio you decide to patch. If you need further explanation and perhaps be accompanied on site to answer my mail to find a way to meet.
I would be grateful if you would ever publish this mail, of course with my first and last name.

Rosetta Pazzaglia