Thursday, July 29, 2010

Brown Discharge Day Before Af


find us on the bi-monthly magazine July-August 2010 pag.76 ...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What To Do For Eyebrow Burn From Waxing


8 - "Rome St. Bartholomew Island"
(engraving / etching) slab L 36.2 * H 22.4

6 - Rome Ponte Milvio "
(engraving / etching) slab L 19.7 * H12, 2

92 - Rome Vatican City (burin) f. The slab to 24.9 * H 19.8
93 - "Rome Foro Romano"
(engraving / etching and mixed media) slab L 25.2 * H19, 8

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

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the woodcut
the wood (raised printing) is the oldest of the techniques of engraving, carving You run a piece of wood with special tools (gouge, chisel, etc. ..)
putting in relief the parties intended to release its white and throat.
for a way to be able to reproduce the artwork is still practiced by primitive peoples for stamping fabrics, or in place of tattoos.

E - "Still Life" slab L 23.0 * H 11.0 (Tri)
A - "In the dock" slab L 15.5 * H 10.0
G - "The herdsman" slab L 11.7 * H 16.7

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B - "The Marina" slab L 16.5 * H 15.5 (two colors)
D - "Terracina Capitolium" slab L 15.9 H 11.8
C - "Terracina Capitolium"
remains of the Temple of Apollo slab L 14.7 * H 25.0 (two colors)
F - "The squeezing" slab 2.50 L 17.0 * H

For woodcut (from the greek ξύλον, "timber" and γράφω "write") or, more Italian, woodcut, this is the recording of images and sometimes short texts on wooden tablets, matrices, then inked and used to create multiple copies of the same subject on and sometimes on silk paper, through the press with the press . Given that the woodcut is a type of relief engraving, it is not difficult enter the matrix forms of wood in typography, printing text and images together. This feature makes the process of woodcut printing very economical, it will be used especially for the "popular texts. A historic print shop specializing in popular prints was that of a Remondini Bassano del Grappa (VI).

carved wood for materials already existed in Egypt, adopted by the Copts in the fifth and sixth centuries AD History [edit ]

The technique is of Chinese origin and the first prints on paper dating the eighth century AD The incision was then great development with the invention and dissemination of the paper. In Europe since the fourteenth century first woodcuts are produced, or woodcuts, which are the means to illustrate the first books in print. Among the oldest woodblock prints that exist today, one of the best known, even for religious reasons, is that of the Madonna del Fuoco [1] of Forlì . The oldest text that speaks of carved wood is the "Treatise on painting and book art " Cennino Cennini of 1437.

The '500 is the golden age of engraving: great engravers of quality of firmness and decision were the painters Holbein the Elder, Lucas Cranach and Dürer. In 1510, Ugo da Carpi in Italy invented chiaroscuro two, three and four blocks. The

engravers use soft woods and easier to process, cut in the direction of the grain. This will facilitate the work of the engraver, but the arrays will deteriorate quickly. At the beginning of the sixteenth century, the wood is almost abandoned, replaced by metal dies.

The woodcut head

In 800 the woodcut knows a new period of great use, particularly to illustrate books and newspapers. During this time you learn to use very hard woods, especially box, and cut perpendicular to grain ( woodcut head or new woodcut ). With these sorts of arrays, hard-working, fail to realize, however, also runs very high in the order of several thousand copies. The use of the woodcut in particular, develops from c. 1840. until the early '900.

In more recent times, as the basic material for carving wood, instead of the wood has been used linoleum and even a soft material even more, the ' Adigraf .

early '900 to Adolfo De Carolis to thank for a brilliant revival of the woodcut in Italy, when other forms of photomechanical reproductions already invaded the field of engraving. As early as 1903
magazine The Leonardo, which was printed in Florence , publishes the first woodcuts A. De Carolis of Renaissance style with those of G. Costetti, A. Rapisarda, G. Viner and others. The magazine L'Eroica
Ettore Cozzani in La Spezia at that time became the official organ of the Italian woodcut organizing in 1912, the first exhibition of woodcut and engraving Italian with the catalog.

Monday, July 26, 2010

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90 - "Terracina Purgatory Church and medieval walkway

The incision is an artistic technique. may be in cable or relief

The technique consists of a cable array of metal that can be engraved directly ( Engraving , Niello, Black Way, Drypoint ) or etched with acid ( Etching, Aquatint , Slack wax ).

is said in cable because the printing ink penetrates into the grooves that have come to be formed by the action of acid or burin.

impression on paper always makes a matrix.

The technique is highlighted in an array that is carved in high relief (such as stamp) support was originally made of wood (woodcut ), today is also used linoleum, medium density, or other similar materials.

The incision is used for some time in the field of ' jewelry, for decoration of an object ( ring , bracelet or other) also associated with embedding techniques . Special etching techniques, manual and mechanical together, is the ghiglioscé .

11 - "Loneliness" (engraving) slab L 12.4 * H19, 7
94 - "Town Hall Square Terracina 2003"
(burin) L25 slab, 8 * H19, 8
32 - "the busker"
(burin) slab L 17.6 * H 24.8

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9 - "The Potter" (engraving) slab L 12.4 * H 20.2
10 - "The seamstress" (engraving) slab L 12.4 * H 20.2
28 - Range (burin) slab L 21.2 * H29, 8

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Alexis Texas Black Dudes


* Bruno Di Giorgio was born in Rome. He currently resides in Terracina, a city that loves deeply for evidence of the past that remind him of his beautiful hometown. E 'painter and graphic art. The painting was considered an artist with a deep sense of poetry, and have a perfect sense of color and a touch reminiscent of the Impressionists. In graphic art, which is the Master, his production consists of etchings, aquatint, engraving, instrument, this, like using a brush. It combines various techniques (etching, aquatint, engraving) with full control thanks to years of school under the guidance of engraving prof.Carlo Grimaldi, a student of Paul Baldassarre Mercuri, who were both directors of the National Engraving Rome. Woodcuts also running in mono-bi-Tricomi, showing his expertise in this field in the technique of graphic art. * Born

in Rome - presently lives in Terracina, a city that he deeply loves for its past and its natural landscapes. Painter and Engraver. He has been judged as a painter gifted with a deep poetic sense, possessing a perfect sense of colour, with a touch that reminds one of the impressionists. As an engraver, of he is a master, he produces etchings, acquatinte, engravings in bulin, and tool as though a paint brush. He combines various techicques ( etchins, acquatinte, bulin)with great command thanks to the years that he spent at the engraving school under the guidance of the master Professor Carlo Grimaldi, a pulil of Paolo Baldassarre Mercuri, both of them were Directors of the National Chalacography of Rome. He also produces xylographs in momo-bi-tricromia, display in this field too his skilfulness in the technique of graphic art.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Knee Braces Closed Vs Open

89"Ulisse" - ( bulino) lastra L 8,7 * H 12,3

Wednesday, July 14, 2010